Michael Nguyen

Quick Info

Pawsome Opportunity's


Hey there, I’m a dog dad to a friendly Golden Retriever named Max. We enjoy playing fetch and going on runs together. Max is the best thing that ever happened to me. He is always happy to see me and gives me lots of cuddles and kisses. He is smart, loyal and obedient. He loves to learn new tricks and show them off to everyone. He also likes to make new friends with other dogs and humans. We have so much fun together every day. He is my furry buddy and I can’t imagine life without him.  


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2 Reviews on “Michael Nguyen”

2 reviews
  • I never thought I would enjoy babysitting a bird, but this one was different. She talked so much that I felt like I had a new best friend. She would comment on everything I did, from cooking to watching TV. She even gave me advice on how to improve my love life. She was so smart and funny that I started to wonder if she was secretly a human trapped in a bird’s body. Now that she’s gone, I miss her terribly. I think I’m going to get one of my own. Maybe she has a sister who’s just as chatty and charming.

  • Pet Pals Listing Owner

    Love Max is a good dog. He always listens to me and does what I say. He never barks at strangers or chews on my shoes. He is loyal and faithful and cuddly. He is the best friend I ever had.

    Meow on the other hand is a horrible cat. She would keep stealing my food anytime I walked away from it. She would scratch my furniture and knock over my plants. She would hiss at me and hide under the bed. She is sneaky and selfish and mean. She is the worst enemy I ever had.

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